
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If You Scared Say You Scared

Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Shove it up the tooth fairies ass. 

There it is. It stares you in the face. You can hardly make out what it is but it's there, not physically, you can't touch it but you can feel it. You know the feeling, you've felt it before, it swells in your chest and your heart beats faster and the goosebumps rise. Of all the emotions you have this one is the worst. That feeling of dread, it's disgusting and you feel ashamed that you would even fear this moment. And even though you know it will pass that lingering doubt in the back of your head hangs over you like the Sword of Damocles. Doubt, fear whatever it is it fucking sucks. You hate it but it's their. It's natural to feel these but irrationally you think that those great men you aspire to be like never had it as if they are immune to biology, Gods among men. But it's bullshit and you know it. You've had this feeling before and you sweep it to the side and go on with your day..........................okay, but how do I throw it in the trash and go on with my life?

Purpose. Action. Victory. One leads to another and erases doubt in oneself. "I wont ever fuck super hot women". Does that sound rational? It did to me, in fact even now I doubt sometimes it will happen but then I remember I am on the verge of starting something that will make me very rich, afford me the lifestyle I want, pursue the hobbies I love and ultimately live a rich life (rich in the heart and mind). When I am lazy is when that feeling creeps in. But when I am working; when I recognize the purpose and take action the doubt goes away and I see my dreams coming true. Men of action always win, history is the truth bearer of this. You can sit and imagine and talk about it online til you're blue in the face but it will get you nowhere. You know what success thinks of you? "Fuck that loser". That's what it thinks. It doesn't give a shit if you even exist let alone that you want it. You have to grab that shit and squeeze the ever loving shit out of it with both hands because it ain't waiting around for you to ask it politely. You have doubts in you? Boo fucking hoo cry yourself a river and die. Everyone has them but you have two choices as a man: 1) Do something 2) Do nothing.

Find your purpose. Take action. Earn victory. Once you have these things everything else starts falling in to place slowly but surely. Apply this to all aspects of your life: business, body, relationships, hobbies and get paid back in kind. Next time you doubt you can do something instead of wallowing in it make a list of how you can do that thing you doubt you can do, follow it in order and execute on your plan and see if maybe that doubt goes away and is replaced my confidence, happiness and wholeness.

But you are the only one who can do it. Sitting around waiting for someone to save you is for bitches. Recognize, there's no one coming to save you from yourself. You have no one but yourself so go out and fucking do something and be somebody, unless you like constantly putting on a show and pretending you're "Alpha" or whatever the fuck you're pretending to be. You like big tits a tight ass and pretty face? Well guess what those women like. Confidence, muscle and success. It's biological and they can smell it like a shark smells blood in water. You want those girls don't you? Then stop worrying about them, let them go. It seems counter intuitive but the point is to focus on yourself so you can be that motherfucker, the one the hot women flock to, the one who can say with great pride "I built that". Your goal is become a whole man who has his choice, not a half man who gets chosen.

Purpose. Action. Victory. Fuck everything else. Rant over. And now for some eye candy.

This is Victoria. High grade, pura de pinocha, fuck machine Victoria. The kind of shit rock stars, investment bankers and third-world dictators get to fuck. You think she's gonna fuck your shit dick? Think again. She says "fuck you, but I will not fuck you. Get it? Hehe", charming isn't she? Purpose.
Overall 10/10.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Addendum to The Golden Rule

To be played while reading.

I read this post on one my favorite blogs, Return of Kings. Read the post because it really is great and does an excellent job of explaining, in an easy to digest format, what the Golden Rule is. Basically it is the rule that you should only treat others as you yourself would want to be treated. But how that rule has been perverted by the weak and lazy to force great men of success to give up that hard work, sacrifice and success to the greater good in the name of "balancing the game" is the real point of the article.

I know that many weak hearted individuals would like to see the natural order of survival abolished (they hate the natural law of survival of the fittest) so that everyone can have "their fair share". What the article delves in to is that this "fair share" is not fair at all because the people calling for it are ultimately attempting to tip the balance in their favor by unjustly forcing those who, by virtue of hard work, intelligence and discipline, have come out ahead of their fellow humans. This proves that they are breaking the Golden Rule. Should be simple to understand. I do want to stress, however, that this does not include those who have enriched themselves and gained power over society through ill gotten gains (banksters, etc. I'm looking at you), this is aimed at people who have started legitimate businesses that provided a service or product that is so good people willingly hand over their hard earned gains to obtain said products and services.

I was born poor, in a refugee camp. After moving to a foreign country my father, through hard work and sheer balls, built a successful small business around the trade that he so loves and cherishes ultimately becoming one of the best in his trade in the entire world. My parents divorced and instead of bitching and complaining my mother earned a degree while working full time and raising two rowdy boys with less than bare minimum income.

My point is that people who complain that others have more and they deserve the same thing yet do nothing to improve their lot in life are full of shit. My friend's family is black. Hearing about their history and how the family came to be successful in the early 20th century to the next generation building large successful businesses, while often being the first blacks to be involved in those industries, and their mindset that they do not accept the fact they can be held down for any reason proves that brains and determination are worth more than making excuses as to why you can't succeed.

I hate the terms Liberal and Conservative because it further endorses the bullshit left/right paradigm shoved down our throats but it seems that those who identify as Liberal view the world as something that can be turned in to an egalitarian utopia. They lament the fact that nature prescribes survival of the fittest. They equate individual success with everyone's success because they cannot differentiate the efforts of a few (not just the owners of an enterprise the but the capable people who contributed to that success) with the well being of the whole. It's not fair to expect people with something to take care of people with nothing unless those people with nothing are willing to learn themselves what it takes to take care of themselves. Want a simpler explanation?

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

The level playing field does not exist because the people who call for it do not play on that field. They tilt the field in their favor and through sheer numbers end up winning. They are also incapable of differentiating the success of the legitimate with the success of the illegitimate and this is where the danger comes in to play. Because of this most basic logical flaw they expect everyone with more to take care of everyone with less. I am not advocating an Uncle Scrooge mentality (hell, I don't even have to defend this mindset) but a man who has a small business that is inundated with irrational regulations and taxes that fund the programs that funnel money to the lesser is hard pressed to run his enterprise so that at the end of the day even his own family can have a roof over their head, food on the table, adequate healthcare and financial protection.

Men understand that business is business and personal feelings and emotions play no part in it. As was said in the Godfather:
It's nothing personal, Sonny. It's strictly business
In other words what a man has to do a man has to do. In business this is one of the ultimate survival tactics. After all, how can a man survive and provide if his business fails? The type of people who sit on the sidelines and do nothing, dutifully sucking Big Daddy Governments Dick, but expect a pay day are exactly the types who are NOT playing on a level playing field. They use the threat of force (in our case the laws of government) to force a "level" playing field. In other words they know their cause has no merit in natural law and thus must use the perceived force and coercion of government forces to "equalize" the playing field. However this does not sit well with the rational man. The rational man, the business man, the type willing to risk it all to ensure a successful life realizes that the world is not fair. Nature is not fair. It cares not for your well being or survival. It throws at you everything in its power to try to destroy you, not because it hates you (it is in fact neutral to your survival) but because these tests ensure that the strongest survive so as to propagate a better form of the species in its progeny. This does not mean that the same man cares not for the well being of humanity. He however realizes that with "equality" comes not progress but regression. If the point of humanity is to progress towards a better future then the rational man realizes that certain steps must be taken to realize the greatest of human potential, a better tomorrow. To achieve this on a macro level we must endure micro levels of aggression, conniving, deceit and superiority. Hate it or love it this has been the modus operandi of the human species since time immemorial. It is the reason we went from living in caves to walking on the moon.

Like americanbk says in the post that inspired me:

Bill Gates had to screw over many people in the business world and create an unfair monopoly to earn his fortune - but now, as one of the greatest philanthropists of all time, he has the power to give millions of dollars each year to the causes of his choosing. 

Men want to change the world, it's our biological imperative to affect the environment around us. In the modern, interconnected world this means helping the many, the poor and suffering people of lands far away and the truly destitute of the people in our own communities. But we also live in a world where money means the difference between nothing and everything. Taking that in to account it is only natural for a man who's goal is to affect the world around him to build a sizable war chest to do that very thing, whatever the means. Yes Bill Gates is an unscrupulous business man who has been disparaged for his shady business practices on his way to becoming one of the richest men in the world. Is it bad? Yes and no. Integrity and honor is still thought of highly in business, but was it wrong? Well if one views the world as a competition of the fittest trying to survive against other unscrupulous people then no. But the point is the man did what he had to, whether right or wrong to, to put himself in to the position to help the less fortunate, a noble cause indeed. We won't delve in to whether his charitable efforts have succeeded or failed because at least he's trying and that's more than most people can say. I also want to point out that he is not the only person doing good in the world, those toiling away in obscurity doing their damned best to do whatever they can to improve the life of even at least one fellow human need to be commended, but the point is that humans are complex. One does right and turns around and does wrong but ultimately (except for the complete psychopaths in various positions of power) wants to do something good before they die, this quote is for them.

The path to a righteous cause is often the darkest.
- Thomas Papp

End rant. And now for some eye candy.

She's Vanessa. Young, beautiful and aims to please in my future backyard pool. Overall 9.5/10
PS: The legs leading to the perfect little butt, the slender waist and the tiny white bikini with sexy heels makes her, at this point for me, the ideal woman. Shameless I am in my hornographic fantasies but this is real love for the woman, misogyny does not exist here.  

Friday, November 29, 2013

You Fuck, It Means Nothing

To be played while reading.
(15.6 million views, what does that tell you?)

Look at that smarmy fucking face. That "yeah I fucked your girl and I'll do it again but when I meet you I'll act like it didn't happen but kind of act like it did" face. Robin Thicke is an asshole, Grade A, but I fucking like him because he reminds me of me; I'll fuck your girlfriend and the only difference between me and him is he's famous and I'm not. 

As long as I don't know you I will fuck your significant other...........but it will mean nothing. It will literally mean as little as possible. I could even fuck a girl who is not your significant other and it will mean just as much. I am a sex machine, machine being the operative word. Fucking like a pornstar slash champ has completely ruined the experience. Sure I feel pleasure in my penile region and then I cum but there is nothing beyond the physical. It's sad. It's almost emasculating, that a man cannot feel full carnal pleasure unless he is emotionally engaged with a woman, but it's true. The best sex I've had in 2 years wasn't even sex it was "love making" (or "making love" as she made me put it) with a French actress who was so prude we did it with the lights off. Yeah that's right yours truly does it that way sometimes. I made love to that girl with 100% of my being every time for a month long love affair and it was beautiful, I almost cried when she left and I still think about her to this day. What kind of fucked up shit is that? That a man who wants every woman can ultimately only derive supreme pleasure from one he truly loves? 

That's why love is the realm of man. Men can feel true love. Why do you think every "hopeless romantic" is a man? We invented chivalry, women just took advantage of it. We invented love stories, women just fawned over them. We invented diamonds, women just made you work for them. Men are romantics, women are opportunists. You can fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and eventually, as a man, you reach a point where it means nothing. Where beating your dick with a closed fist means the exact same fucking thing. Fuck notch counts, that shit is for sex addicts and losers who haven't had more than a few women. I might be a loser, lord knows I still start every day thinking I will get some new pussy, but realize this: 

I am no man to emulate because my ability to stick my dick in new holes does not make me a man to envy. 

When you start "gaming" (I hate that fucking word, it sounds like you're playing a loser video game) the goal is to get in to a woman's pants. Then once you master that you try to get in to a lot of women's pants but somewhere along the way you learn that "game" is just a word to describe Mastery. Mastery over yourself and your life. It moves beyond "fucking women" and goes to "being successful", "learning a skill", "being confident in who you are", etc. Ultimately the goal is to be able to attract the most attractive woman who also displays the character traits of a woman you would be proud to show off to anyone and everyone you meet, that rare woman who everyone can say is beautiful and smart. But that shit takes work. It takes time. It takes turning yourself in to the man you imagine you would need to be to get that woman.

Let's break it down:

Woman: attractive, smart, well dressed, socially adept, popular

She has her pick of the litter. She can get the smart, good looking, rich, world traveled guy so why would she want you? Seriously. Why? You fucking think for one second that the model-hot chick you saw on Instagram who dates a rapper or whoeverthefuck will one day date your ass!? No fucking way! It doesn't make economic sense! That would be trading down and if it's one thing attractive, top-tier women don't do it's trade down! So make yourself better. Be cool. Be confident. Be successful. Because THAT is what women respect, and if they respect you they will fuck you. A woman of that caliber does not respect some guy working middle management for $75k a year. Sorry, but she doesn't. Now does that mean if you are the middle manager making $75k a year you can't get model tail? Fuck no! But as we know women are fickle ladder climbers and you can easily become another rung on her climb to financial greatness. 

Game. Game. Game. Shit is super important. Wonder why some guys get hot ass tail? Right place, right time. How do you get in the right place at the right time? Money, fame, looks, connections. Don't have those? You're SOL. No seriously. If you have one, or more, of those then you will be put in the proximity of insanely hot women who will clamor for your attention...........kind of. Because once you're there it starts all over. Everyone in that circle is either rich, famous, sexy or is popular so your Game is what will get you those girls. Shit comes full circle. So build yourself and your Game and ultimately the hard work you put in will make you the bad ass player you want to be because one without the other an incomplete player makes.

"Yeah but what about all that shit about fucking an no meaning?". This is the point; you will not be satisfied until the woman you fuck satisfies you. And what I mean by that is she hits you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sounds gay but, whatever, it's true. It's love. To love a woman her essence has to get your Spidey senses tingling and that's when the sex will be fucking good. After you meet a woman like that, boning for the sake of boning will be meaningless and if you're a lost soul like me then you will get lost in the morass that is strange pussy. If that's your thing then fine but don't let notch counts consume you because you're the only one who gives a fuck about how many girls you fucked anyway. Would you rather fuck 100 scalawags or 10 quality WOMEN? Even a man like me works for something better so if I can do it then so can you. 

Remember it's not quantity, it's quality. Always, no matter what and in anything you do. That's why when you fuck it means nothing. Emptiness is loneliness.

End rant. An now for some eye candy... 

This is Jennifer. Young, hawt with a great personality. 9/10 and wifey material.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Firemen Ain't My Heroes

To be played while reading

I don't remember when I started masturbating but it was at a young age. I can remember doing it as far back as third grade, whatever age that is. It doesn't matter, the point is I've been a horny motherfucker all my life. The first, second and last thing on my mind each and every day is fucking almost every female I lay eyes on. I see one and I immediately fantasize about sex with her, however, that fantasy will be replaced if a different woman that I find appealing crosses my path. Hiding boners is de rigueur for me.

My sex drive is either normal and I'm the only one who thinks it isn't or a 5 hour sex marathon in which you cum 6 times is par for the course and I should shut the fuck up. I don't think I'm normal though, no one who can jack off 23 times in a week is fucking normal. I'm like the lion at the zoo, like a sex lion in a zoo, my natural urges are forcefully suppressed. I talk about sex excessively. I've talked about my deepest sexual desires openly but people either think I'm joking or they know I'm being honest and scoff at me and call me perverted, imagine the ridicule and shame. But there are men out there, very few, who fucking do it anyway, who wont let there most primal manly urges be tucked behind an ugly sweater vest, beige Camry and a 401k because some Protestant fucks tell them it's not okay to want to fuck everything with a coin slot between its legs. Those men are my heroes.

Ray, you're a fucking pussy.

Famous Lotharios such as Casanova, Rasputin, Gabriele D'Annunzio. Men like Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione and other famous pornographers. Men who have the balls to stand up to the chorus of castrated beta males and shrieking hoards of feminists and say "I LIKE SEX AND FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!". All I ever wanted was endless amounts of poon thrown at me and bask in it without having to feign restraint or remorse. But in this day and age, in this economy, you can't slip up because if Cathy from HR see's you so much as glance at Judy's high and tight backside it's game over for you Mr. Rapist. But my plight isn't even that bad because I had the nastiest of conversations on a regular basis with my female co-workers but when you know a person it's different. I can't go out and say the same things within ear shot of strangers because people get offended, and I don't really give a shit but I have to. I'm not in a position of power where I can do and say shit and everyone just shuts the fuck up, that shit doesn't happen to me. The only reason I want to be rich and/or famous is so I can do whatever the fuck I want and say whatever the fuck I want without any negative repercussions to my financial well being or freedom, and the requisite parade of pussy that comes along with that. That is it. That is as far as I have thought it through and fuck, party and drive fast cars and race my motorcycles is what I will do when I get my money power be the glory of pussy!

Which brings me back to my heroes. Much has been said over the decades about men like Hugh Heffner and his contemporaries at Penthouse and Hustler but all of it is wrong. Jealous men who wish they had that life, who wished they had the balls to chase pussy like Pepe Le Pew when they were young, who dream of growing some balls and standing up to the women in their lives that order them around like subjugated puppy dogs. The same goes for the disgusting fugs disguised as women who scream choruses of "Creep", "Sicko", "Misogynist" and "Rapist".

Call the police she's being raped.

Jealous haters who would rather shame people into conformity than turn that hatred inward and recognize their own shortcomings. Pussies and lazy, fat slobs. Nothing but crabs in a bucket. I've never known a man who has slept with a lot of women actually hate women. They might hate a particular woman but not women. It's always the one's who don't get any tail that hate women, wonder why that is? So what is it that drives these people to so fervently hate a man who so fully louts his testicular fortitude or the woman that fully embraces her femininity? It's nothing but jealousy. Men get jealous of successful men because it reminds them they're pussies who can never be great because they are afraid to show the world who they are. Women hate feminine women because they are jealous that they cannot compete for the same high-quality men that go for feminine women. 

I'm even confused when men start getting their undies in a bunch and start ranting and raving about how feminists are destroying the world and blah blah blah. Do they have a part in our collapse? Oh fuck yes but instead of crying about it on the interwebs stand up and be a fucking man. Work on making lots of money, hit the gym, do cool shit, travel, immerse yourself in your hobbies, read a lot, learn shit, build stuff and if you see a girl you like for Christ's sake hit on her! Do shit that will put you at the top of the cake so you don't have to deal with the bullshit below. 

This guy knows.

You know why? Because all of this, civilization, was built by great men who wanted to get some fucking pussy. Nature is built on getting pussy. It's why the lion kills things, because he doesn't want to be killed and miss out on some snatch. The world revolves around raw dogging a woman until she explodes with pleasure juices and you refill her with yours. That is why denying your sexuality is denying your nature and why you're so fucking scared and miserable. 

You know when I'm pissed? When I ain't gettin' tang. You know what pisses me off? When people get all offended when I'm talkin' bout tang. Pussy should be the answer to any question asked of a man about his success. 

"Why'd you start a company that makes sick ass futuristic gadgets that have revolutionized the way humans connect to eachother?"

"Why did you train your ass off and work harder than everyone else so you could win all those championships and become so great at your sport that everyone who will every play it will be compared to you even if they can't possibly compare to you?"

You get the idea. Pussy is literally the most important thing what makes you think that it isn't the end all? Life is made inside of it. You were conceived inside of a pussy and it is the reason you exist. After you're born it is still the reason you exist. Protect it, love it and when it needs to be hate it. You know what Mike Tyson said when he found Robin Givens getting her shit handed to her by the dick side of Brad Pitt? He said, "I was just depressed I couldn't bone her no more", call him crazy but at least he recognizes real. 

If I could be I would be Caligula on weekends and lesser Caligula on weekdays. You know why I am willing to spend hours upon hours crafting a perfect business plan so I can get funded and become a multi-millionaire? Tang. You know why I design even though nothing I design will be released for another few years? Because I want to be recognized as a top designer in the world and be adored by hot women who are in to fashion and jewelry so I can hit that tang! It's simple. There is no shame in using your riches, fame, cool car or awesome hobby to get laid. It is the quintessential trait of man. 

Find something you're good at and exploit it for personal gain.

Hugh Hefner was good at getting girls to pose naked so he started Playboy. Senna loved racing so he became F1 World Champion. Clinton was great at getting his dick sucked so he became you see what I'm talking about!? All of these great men exploited their strengths and passions to become top dog and top dogs love one thing more than anything else, top shelf pussy. So if your dream is to be a great author don't make the CEO of Turbo Tax your hero. I don't want to save kittens from trees that's why firemen ain't my heroes.

End rant. And now for some eye candy...

I have so many pics of hot women it was impossible to choose so I went with default #1.

This is Adriana she is 100% certified, Grade A, top shelf pussy. Overall 10/10.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Not On My Watch!

To be played while reading

There are fewer crimes worse than cock blocking (well maybe genocide although to be fair cock blocking doesn't even allow you the chance to create life that could possibly be genocided LOL) yet it is perpetrated every single day. Who are these cockblockers? Where are they? They come in all shapes and sizes and they're fucking everywhere, that's all you need to know. They don't take breaks and they operate in broad daylight without consequence or remorse. You're David, they are Goliath.

Most cockblocks come from strangers (girlfriends, jealous guys, boyfriends, get the picture) but the most insidious ones are the cockblocks that come from your own camp, someone who is supposed to be your ally. Why? Well sometimes it's sheer ignorance or some combo of jealousy/ignorance. We all have that friend who straight up does not even realize that they constantly bum rush the scene when you intro yourself to a girl and shit is going well and then they come in and fuck it up. I'm full of shit. They must know. How could they not? 

If I tell you that I am going to talk to that hot piece of ass in the little dress and then leave with or without her it is not license to make sure I leave without her. You see her laughing after my first comment to her? That means shit is going good...............for me! Not you! Me! I wasn't warming her up so that you could barge in with "Hello my name is The Cockblocker by the way" (She didn't ask BY THE WAY!) and proceed with several minutes of shitty, boring conversation while I stare in awe at the sheer audacity of your move and complete incompetence of your game. I was so dumbfounded that I completely ignored her tall friend who was obviously hitting on me while I stared at the scene in front of me. It must be lunacy (yours not mine).

This wasn't the first time either, or the second or third, etc. You are a habitual cockblocker and this is why I second guess going out with you. It's why when I'm talking to girls I hope you don't notice. It's why I've missed out on strange numerous times. It's why I can't invite out anymore. We can be friends, but we can't be friends who go out together. 

Of course I let it come to this because I didn't stop it. So here now is the last straw I won't stand for it anymore. 

Rant over. And now for some eye candy...

Like this but with a little white dress. I cannot forgive this indiscretion. Overall 8/10.

BTW it looks like she's grabbing a huge cock. LOL

Punish the Ignorant

To be played while reading.

In Japan they have a saying:

"In America you reward intelligence. In Japan we punish ignorance." ~ Old, wise Japanese guy

This might seem like it is one in the same however they couldn't be two more different things. Allow me to explain.

How many times have you looked up from your Facebooks, or whatever, to soak in that thing around you called the real world and were disgusted by the idiotic, obese, mouth-breathers that have propagated America? A lot of us have (and if you haven't then you're probably one of them and what the hell are you doing reading my blog?).

We went from a nation of bad ass, innovative, brave motherfuckers to a nation of fat, dumb, ignorant losers who'd rather not deal with truth or facts because someone's feelings might get hurt. Our forefathers are fucking ashamed; all of that blood, sweat and sacrifice wasted for drive-thru gluttony and easy to parrot talking points that constitutes "news". How the fuck!? How the fuck does a nation that won two world wars end up as the plot to Idiocracy!? Sloth, greed, ignorance. It's a simple recipe for disaster. The Greatest Generation (you know, those cool old guys that wore leather jackets and chain smoked Lucky Strikes while blowing away Nazis?)  knew that hard work pays off, apparently no one else got the memo. 

Everyone wants everything easy, it's human nature, but things used to be difficult, life was difficult and no one had a choice but to work their asses off to get ahead or even stay alive. However never before in history has it been so easy for someone to be stupid and lazy and stay alive. For the few that actually need it a welfare apparatus such as ours makes sense but we're abusing it (like that morbidly obese leech on the Hoveround abuses Big Macs). "But they promised me!". That's the mentality that is killing us. It is now not okay to tell someone they are a stupid, fat, ignorant sloth whose blatant contempt for the future prosperity of their own progeny and their disregard for basic human dignity is pushing our once great Republic in to a black hole of massive FAIL. No, you can't say that because it might hurt someone's feelings. Hear people attempt to talk about politics or economics and all they can do is quote Fox News and MSNBC and you'll understand why the Japanese punish ignorance. Not here though. In America you can't tell someone they don't know what they're talking about or even attempt to educate them with logic, reason, facts and real numbers. No one was told that it is embarrassing to be ignorant of the world. That it's not okay to not think critically. That the news lies and you should do some fact checking. That eating like shit and overburdening our health care system when you become terminally ill with diseases that could have been easily avoided is not okay and is a big part of why you're complaining about high healthcare costs is not okay. That it's not okay to not know that Social Security and all the other bullshit promised to you by Big Daddy Government is economically unfeasible because of simple math. Ad nauseam.

No on is embarrassed to be a dumb ass anymore. Knowing shit, being intelligent and NOT talking out of your ass used to be highly regarded but not anymore. They want you ignorant so they can feed you bullshit and your lazy asses are perfectly content because, hey, it's easier than thinking and doing shit for yourself. 

Self control? Pfffttttt Hometown Buffett ain't gonna eat itself! Anyways they got pills for the diabeetus and the clogged arteries. 

The Republicans/Democrats are ruining this country!! My side is right and your side is wrong!! If we just do more of what we been doing it'll be okay. Anyways I don't care long as I gets my government monies. 

If you're smart, you read a lot, know the truth of what is going on with our country and don't expect a fucking hand out and relish the idea of having your fate in your own hands and being the God of your own destiny that's great.......but you don't fucking count. You don't fucking count because you are a minority in this country. Your votes don't count, your opinions don't count and your life sure as hell doesn't count. YOU ARE A NON-FUCKING FACTOR! Your numbers are too small for your voice to matter. When captured politicians only care about getting re-elected so they can enrich themselves and their crony buddies in the welfare addicted financial and military sectors and the only way to do that is to promise the world to the dumb sheep who vote then your small numbers don't matter. They need everyone to be ignorant so they can't figure out that there is no such thing as free and the government borrows a trillion dollars a year to pay for all that shit. Which is why the whole "feelings" thing is great because now you can't shame someone for openly mocking awareness, it's now okay to revel in your stupidity because you know that no shame will be visited upon you. The coddled society is the stupid society and we are coddled cradle to grave. 

"FUCK YOU! Fuck your hopes, fuck your dreams, fuck your plans...fuck everything you thought this life was going to bring you." ~ Chris Rock

So what can you do? Fuck it, punish ignorance even if it's just you versus 1,000 ignoramuses. My motto has always been 'The stupid and ignorant deserve to be mocked and ridiculed'. If they don't like it too bad. Fuck their feelings. If they don't want to be made to feel that way then maybe they should do something about it. It's hopeless though, if you're truly a smart, enterprising person take your money and buy gold and foreign assets and GTFOH. You can't save them but you can save yourself from being pulled down with the rest of the crabs in the bucket. If you feel like you don't want to abandon your country that is fine, I love it here too and I will stay, then at least prepare yourself to rely on yourself so you don't end up a dead succubus when the time comes. 

Rant over. Comment below. And now for some eye candy.......

 Her name is Brigitte and she has the legs of my future ex-wife. Overall 9/10.