
Friday, November 29, 2013

You Fuck, It Means Nothing

To be played while reading.
(15.6 million views, what does that tell you?)

Look at that smarmy fucking face. That "yeah I fucked your girl and I'll do it again but when I meet you I'll act like it didn't happen but kind of act like it did" face. Robin Thicke is an asshole, Grade A, but I fucking like him because he reminds me of me; I'll fuck your girlfriend and the only difference between me and him is he's famous and I'm not. 

As long as I don't know you I will fuck your significant other...........but it will mean nothing. It will literally mean as little as possible. I could even fuck a girl who is not your significant other and it will mean just as much. I am a sex machine, machine being the operative word. Fucking like a pornstar slash champ has completely ruined the experience. Sure I feel pleasure in my penile region and then I cum but there is nothing beyond the physical. It's sad. It's almost emasculating, that a man cannot feel full carnal pleasure unless he is emotionally engaged with a woman, but it's true. The best sex I've had in 2 years wasn't even sex it was "love making" (or "making love" as she made me put it) with a French actress who was so prude we did it with the lights off. Yeah that's right yours truly does it that way sometimes. I made love to that girl with 100% of my being every time for a month long love affair and it was beautiful, I almost cried when she left and I still think about her to this day. What kind of fucked up shit is that? That a man who wants every woman can ultimately only derive supreme pleasure from one he truly loves? 

That's why love is the realm of man. Men can feel true love. Why do you think every "hopeless romantic" is a man? We invented chivalry, women just took advantage of it. We invented love stories, women just fawned over them. We invented diamonds, women just made you work for them. Men are romantics, women are opportunists. You can fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and eventually, as a man, you reach a point where it means nothing. Where beating your dick with a closed fist means the exact same fucking thing. Fuck notch counts, that shit is for sex addicts and losers who haven't had more than a few women. I might be a loser, lord knows I still start every day thinking I will get some new pussy, but realize this: 

I am no man to emulate because my ability to stick my dick in new holes does not make me a man to envy. 

When you start "gaming" (I hate that fucking word, it sounds like you're playing a loser video game) the goal is to get in to a woman's pants. Then once you master that you try to get in to a lot of women's pants but somewhere along the way you learn that "game" is just a word to describe Mastery. Mastery over yourself and your life. It moves beyond "fucking women" and goes to "being successful", "learning a skill", "being confident in who you are", etc. Ultimately the goal is to be able to attract the most attractive woman who also displays the character traits of a woman you would be proud to show off to anyone and everyone you meet, that rare woman who everyone can say is beautiful and smart. But that shit takes work. It takes time. It takes turning yourself in to the man you imagine you would need to be to get that woman.

Let's break it down:

Woman: attractive, smart, well dressed, socially adept, popular

She has her pick of the litter. She can get the smart, good looking, rich, world traveled guy so why would she want you? Seriously. Why? You fucking think for one second that the model-hot chick you saw on Instagram who dates a rapper or whoeverthefuck will one day date your ass!? No fucking way! It doesn't make economic sense! That would be trading down and if it's one thing attractive, top-tier women don't do it's trade down! So make yourself better. Be cool. Be confident. Be successful. Because THAT is what women respect, and if they respect you they will fuck you. A woman of that caliber does not respect some guy working middle management for $75k a year. Sorry, but she doesn't. Now does that mean if you are the middle manager making $75k a year you can't get model tail? Fuck no! But as we know women are fickle ladder climbers and you can easily become another rung on her climb to financial greatness. 

Game. Game. Game. Shit is super important. Wonder why some guys get hot ass tail? Right place, right time. How do you get in the right place at the right time? Money, fame, looks, connections. Don't have those? You're SOL. No seriously. If you have one, or more, of those then you will be put in the proximity of insanely hot women who will clamor for your attention...........kind of. Because once you're there it starts all over. Everyone in that circle is either rich, famous, sexy or is popular so your Game is what will get you those girls. Shit comes full circle. So build yourself and your Game and ultimately the hard work you put in will make you the bad ass player you want to be because one without the other an incomplete player makes.

"Yeah but what about all that shit about fucking an no meaning?". This is the point; you will not be satisfied until the woman you fuck satisfies you. And what I mean by that is she hits you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sounds gay but, whatever, it's true. It's love. To love a woman her essence has to get your Spidey senses tingling and that's when the sex will be fucking good. After you meet a woman like that, boning for the sake of boning will be meaningless and if you're a lost soul like me then you will get lost in the morass that is strange pussy. If that's your thing then fine but don't let notch counts consume you because you're the only one who gives a fuck about how many girls you fucked anyway. Would you rather fuck 100 scalawags or 10 quality WOMEN? Even a man like me works for something better so if I can do it then so can you. 

Remember it's not quantity, it's quality. Always, no matter what and in anything you do. That's why when you fuck it means nothing. Emptiness is loneliness.

End rant. An now for some eye candy... 

This is Jennifer. Young, hawt with a great personality. 9/10 and wifey material.

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