
Monday, November 11, 2013

Punish the Ignorant

To be played while reading.

In Japan they have a saying:

"In America you reward intelligence. In Japan we punish ignorance." ~ Old, wise Japanese guy

This might seem like it is one in the same however they couldn't be two more different things. Allow me to explain.

How many times have you looked up from your Facebooks, or whatever, to soak in that thing around you called the real world and were disgusted by the idiotic, obese, mouth-breathers that have propagated America? A lot of us have (and if you haven't then you're probably one of them and what the hell are you doing reading my blog?).

We went from a nation of bad ass, innovative, brave motherfuckers to a nation of fat, dumb, ignorant losers who'd rather not deal with truth or facts because someone's feelings might get hurt. Our forefathers are fucking ashamed; all of that blood, sweat and sacrifice wasted for drive-thru gluttony and easy to parrot talking points that constitutes "news". How the fuck!? How the fuck does a nation that won two world wars end up as the plot to Idiocracy!? Sloth, greed, ignorance. It's a simple recipe for disaster. The Greatest Generation (you know, those cool old guys that wore leather jackets and chain smoked Lucky Strikes while blowing away Nazis?)  knew that hard work pays off, apparently no one else got the memo. 

Everyone wants everything easy, it's human nature, but things used to be difficult, life was difficult and no one had a choice but to work their asses off to get ahead or even stay alive. However never before in history has it been so easy for someone to be stupid and lazy and stay alive. For the few that actually need it a welfare apparatus such as ours makes sense but we're abusing it (like that morbidly obese leech on the Hoveround abuses Big Macs). "But they promised me!". That's the mentality that is killing us. It is now not okay to tell someone they are a stupid, fat, ignorant sloth whose blatant contempt for the future prosperity of their own progeny and their disregard for basic human dignity is pushing our once great Republic in to a black hole of massive FAIL. No, you can't say that because it might hurt someone's feelings. Hear people attempt to talk about politics or economics and all they can do is quote Fox News and MSNBC and you'll understand why the Japanese punish ignorance. Not here though. In America you can't tell someone they don't know what they're talking about or even attempt to educate them with logic, reason, facts and real numbers. No one was told that it is embarrassing to be ignorant of the world. That it's not okay to not think critically. That the news lies and you should do some fact checking. That eating like shit and overburdening our health care system when you become terminally ill with diseases that could have been easily avoided is not okay and is a big part of why you're complaining about high healthcare costs is not okay. That it's not okay to not know that Social Security and all the other bullshit promised to you by Big Daddy Government is economically unfeasible because of simple math. Ad nauseam.

No on is embarrassed to be a dumb ass anymore. Knowing shit, being intelligent and NOT talking out of your ass used to be highly regarded but not anymore. They want you ignorant so they can feed you bullshit and your lazy asses are perfectly content because, hey, it's easier than thinking and doing shit for yourself. 

Self control? Pfffttttt Hometown Buffett ain't gonna eat itself! Anyways they got pills for the diabeetus and the clogged arteries. 

The Republicans/Democrats are ruining this country!! My side is right and your side is wrong!! If we just do more of what we been doing it'll be okay. Anyways I don't care long as I gets my government monies. 

If you're smart, you read a lot, know the truth of what is going on with our country and don't expect a fucking hand out and relish the idea of having your fate in your own hands and being the God of your own destiny that's great.......but you don't fucking count. You don't fucking count because you are a minority in this country. Your votes don't count, your opinions don't count and your life sure as hell doesn't count. YOU ARE A NON-FUCKING FACTOR! Your numbers are too small for your voice to matter. When captured politicians only care about getting re-elected so they can enrich themselves and their crony buddies in the welfare addicted financial and military sectors and the only way to do that is to promise the world to the dumb sheep who vote then your small numbers don't matter. They need everyone to be ignorant so they can't figure out that there is no such thing as free and the government borrows a trillion dollars a year to pay for all that shit. Which is why the whole "feelings" thing is great because now you can't shame someone for openly mocking awareness, it's now okay to revel in your stupidity because you know that no shame will be visited upon you. The coddled society is the stupid society and we are coddled cradle to grave. 

"FUCK YOU! Fuck your hopes, fuck your dreams, fuck your plans...fuck everything you thought this life was going to bring you." ~ Chris Rock

So what can you do? Fuck it, punish ignorance even if it's just you versus 1,000 ignoramuses. My motto has always been 'The stupid and ignorant deserve to be mocked and ridiculed'. If they don't like it too bad. Fuck their feelings. If they don't want to be made to feel that way then maybe they should do something about it. It's hopeless though, if you're truly a smart, enterprising person take your money and buy gold and foreign assets and GTFOH. You can't save them but you can save yourself from being pulled down with the rest of the crabs in the bucket. If you feel like you don't want to abandon your country that is fine, I love it here too and I will stay, then at least prepare yourself to rely on yourself so you don't end up a dead succubus when the time comes. 

Rant over. Comment below. And now for some eye candy.......

 Her name is Brigitte and she has the legs of my future ex-wife. Overall 9/10.

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